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Governors play an important role at Fairfield High School for Girls.
The general role of the Local Governing Body is to provide the local context, challenge and support to the Headteacher and Executive Principal, ensuring the very best local provision is given for the community.

Welcome from the Chair of the Local Governing Body – Councillor Brenda Warrington

Dear Parents and Carers As Chair of the Local Governing Body, I am delighted to welcome all of our parents and carers to our website. I hope that you will find all the information you need here, but if not, please do not hesitate to get in touch with either the school or myself via school. I am very proud of our school’s reputation and for the outstanding support our pupils receive. Fairfield High School for Girls is a fully inclusive school and every pupil matters to us; with our excellent experienced staff and the facilities we have available within school I am confident in saying that your daughters could not be at a better school. Fairfield High School for Girls is a school where we recognise each pupil’s individual needs, talents and contributions. As Chair of the Local Governing Body, I am extremely proud of Fairfield High School for Girls and I promise you that we will do our very best to ensure that your daughters enjoy their time with us, are kept safe and achieve their full potential. I can guarantee that they will leave the school as responsible, respectful, educated, caring members of the community with values that are second to none. I look forward to meeting you in the near future at one of our events. Your sincerely

Brenda Warrington

Chair of the Local Governing Body

Contact Us

Our Governance Professional is Mrs Julie Murphy who can be contacted by email –


The following members serve on Fairfield High School’s Local Governing Body:

Mrs. Brenda Warrington (Academy Governor) – Chair of the Local Governing Body
Date of Appointment 1st September 2024
Term of Office4 Year Term
Term Appointed byThe Trust Board
Business and Pecuniary InterestsNone
Mrs. Emma Quinn (Academy Governor) – Vice Chair of the Local Governing Body
Date of Appointment 1st September 2024
Term of Office4 Year Term
Term Appointed byThe Trust Board
Business and Pecuniary InterestsNone
Mrs Barbara Derbyshire (Academy Governor)
Date of Appointment1st September 2024
Term of Office   4 Year Term
Appointed by The Trust Board
Business and Pecuniary Interests None
Mr. Rob Taylor (Academy Governor)
Date of Appointment1st September 2024
Term of Office 4 Year Term
Appointed byThe Trust Board
Business and Pecuniary InterestsNone

Staff Governors

Mrs. Lynne Cheetham (Support Staff Governor)
Date of Appointment1st September 2024
Term of Office 4 Year Term
Appointed byThe Trust Board
Business and Pecuniary InterestsNone
Mr. Matthew Knowles (Teaching Staff Governor)
Date of Appointment1st September 2024
Term of Office 4 Year Term
Appointed byThe Trust Board
Business and Pecuniary InterestsNone

Attendees at Meetings

Mrs Julie Murphy – Governance Professional
Mrs. Carolyn Haigh (Head of Governance)
Miss Melanie Wicks (Executive Headteacher)
Miss Fiona Lealman (Headteacher)

‘The Governing Body offers both challenge and support and is steadfast in ensuring that all pupils are safe, learn and achieve exceptionally well whilst at school’

Fairfield High School for Girls
Fairfield Avenue, Droylsden, Manchester, M43 6AB
Email: Tel: 0161 370 1488
Fairfield High School for Girls is an Academy Trust. The Trust is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Company number 07511610, Data Protection Registration Number Z2574365.