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Welcome from the Headteacher

Welcome to Fairfield High School for Girls. I hope you gain an understanding of who we are, why this is such an incredible place to learn and work, and why I am privileged to be the Headteacher.

Our distinctive offer is embedded in our history and tradition. Fairfield has served the local area for over two centuries and we have a proud history with origins rooted in the Moravian community. The community were pioneers, realising the value and transformative power of educating young women. This led to the establishment of the boarding school for girls during 1796, as part of the historic Moravian settlement. The rich history of this school was set in motion in these former years owing to a forward-thinking and progressive vision, far in advance of society at the time. This enduring legacy of our strong history is the golden thread for each pupil in our care, woven into their day to day experience, enabling them to flourish and thrive as so many have before.

Providing the very best education for the community continues today, over 220 years later. Our school vision is to provide outstanding learning opportunities; our aim is to ensure that pupils are successful learners who are aspirational, inquisitive, and hard working. Through the taught curriculum and enrichment activities we develop and support pupils in becoming confident individuals who are happy, resilient, and independent, as well as responsible citizens who are kind, inclusive and respectful.

Our vision is underpinned by our belief that all pupils regardless of starting point and circumstance, deserve the opportunity to learn in an inspiring, encouraging environment, where they can develop as young people so they can leave equipped with the grades which enable them to pursue their interests and follow their dreams. We believe the curriculum is the lived, daily experience of our pupils and all that school has to offer. We deliver an outstanding quality of education which results in very strong academic outcomes for our pupils. Through the taught curriculum pupils have their curiosity stirred, gain a deeper fascination of the world in which they live, and acquire an appreciation of the very best of human creativity and achievement. However, school life is so much more than this: belonging to our school community develops character, builds resilience, and supports wellbeing. We want our pupils to have confidence to be aspirational young women, to be people of integrity and to make an outstanding and valuable contribution to society. Therefore, central to all our practice is inclusivity, nurture and the provision of a safe environment where pupils are known, supported and inspired. 

Our strong record of results continues to be realised today, opening doors and broadening horizons for our pupils. Our pupils leave Fairfield with the knowledge and skills and character to thrive in the next stage of their lives and in so doing, they join a network of ‘old girls’ in their academic success and personal development.

Today, Fairfield High School for Girls continues to be a progressive school, and I am delighted to announce a new stage in the life of Fairfield as part of Stamford Park Trust. We look forward to collaborating with our colleagues across the family of schools and working to strengthen all that Fairfield has to offer as we continue our journey of improvement towards a truly outstanding offer, aligned with the Trust vision of excellence and ambition for all.

Miss Fee Lealman – Headteacher

Fairfield High School for Girls
Fairfield Avenue, Droylsden, Manchester, M43 6AB
Email: Tel: 0161 370 1488
Fairfield High School for Girls is an Academy Trust. The Trust is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Company number 07511610, Data Protection Registration Number Z2574365.