Year 6 Transition Information Booklet
Year 6 Starting Booklet
The Head of Year 7 supported by the Student Support Team would normally, at this time of year, have visited the majority of pupils who are joining us in September 2021. Unfortunately, because of the Coronavirus pandemic, this has not been able to take place. Although Year 6 transition is different for parents, carers, pupils and schools this year, please rest assured that we are still working closely with Primary Schools to ensure that all of our academic and pastoral information is as up-to-date as possible so that we can support your daughter in September.
There are seven tutor groups in Year 7 (from 7A to 7G) and we allocate pupils to tutor groups with a great deal of care and consideration. Our intake comes from a large number of Primary schools and we use the following guidelines to allocate pupils to forms:
If you have informed us of any special requests with regard to your daughter’s form we will take these into consideration. We will also discuss friendship groups with our Primary Schools and take their recommendations on board. Please note that although we try our best, we can not meet all parental requests and the final decision will rest with the Headteacher.